Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Small Object, The Large-ish Cake

Sarah Neuburger, the happy genius behind The Small Object, has just started a new shop for custom wedding cake toppers called Together Forever.

Just. Look. At this. Rainbow Heart.

There's no need to be getting married to make yourself a cake like this. Make yourself a cake like this because it's Thursday, and it's going to be a really great Thursday even though you will end up in the ER getting your stomach pumped from eating the whole thing. No? Just me?

Being in the vicinity, I couldn't resist sharing some other downloads, stamps, useful things to have around the house, and prints from The Small Object Shop:

Today Is Awesome Print

If you haven't already left this post to support Sarah's shop, go on over to her blog, the Steno Pad, where she talks about her various projects and generously offers downloads you can use at home. I've been using her resolution tracker to keep up with my goals for the year.


Lulu said...

such a beautiful post! i'm in love with that cake topper!

Chroma Lab said...

Sarah is somethin' else, isn't she? And what a nice blog you have, Lulu--I'll be visiting again.