These chocolate frosted donut-themed accessories wouldn't help me resist the ever-present temptation, but there would be something gluttonously hilarious about the wearing and use of each one.

For those looking for a more demure donut necklace:
Chocolate Glazed Donut Necklace by sugarpoptreats
Chocolate Glazed Donut Necklace by sugarpoptreats

A whimsical, double-take item for your bathroom sink:
Have a Donut Glycerin Soap by KcSoapsNmore (it's SCENTED, y'all)
Have a Donut Glycerin Soap by KcSoapsNmore (it's SCENTED, y'all)

But let's be reasonable. One can't live on donuts alone--nutritionists advise including a wide variety of foods in the diet, hence:
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