The exhibit is in the McKim building at the central Copley Square location until October 17th. If you can't make it there in person, the dedicated staff of the BPL has made the library's collection of travel posters available on Flickr. They're download-able under a Creative Commons license, so you could print and frame those that really strike your fancy.
There's also a companion exhibition in the Johnson building featuring the library's collection of Boston-themed postcards, Greetings From Boston. Have a staycation instead!

Wow! What a great post! Ever since doing one of my history modules on travel and tourism last year I've loved vintage travel posters and it's so great that they've been shared on flickr - thanks for sharing
I loved your post. I am going to be in Boston on Wednesday. It will cool to stop by and check out this exhibit. Thanks for sharing
Helen, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! The BPL has some great exhibits and lots of online content.
Kerry, I hope you make it to the show. Thanks for stopping by!
This is awessome
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