Monday, January 4, 2010

Hello, 2010!

Ah, the magical month of January. When "I wish I had time to..." turns into "I will finally...." Tony and I like to keep it pretty simple with resolutions. Last year, our goal was to train for and complete a half marathon while raising money for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America. It certainly wasn't an easy resolution, but it was pretty simple--we just had to run. And run we did!

This year, as our business has grown, so have our working hours--astronomically. So, here are our two collective resolutions for this year:
  • Work on Chroma Lab during predetermined hours.
  • Make and schedule specific time to relax, have fun, and pursue other interests.
Hopefully these two goals will each complement the other. Tony wants to spend more time working on his own art, and I'd like to have more time to read and take advantage of all the history Boston has to offer. We both know that having time to unwind and think about other things will make Chroma Lab even better.

I was also intrigued by one of the resolutions of a fellow MA-based creator, Pam from Zoetropa:

  • No computer before 11am.

I often find myself checking email and Twitter before I eat breakfast and change clothes, and before I know it, it's noon (or worse)! I'm going to try out her idea for awhile and see if it helps me get back on track with my routine. Thanks, Pam! What are your resolutions and goals? We'd love to hear them.


ricky said...

ooooh. Love the no computers before 11AM resolution. I spent very little time around a computer and I enjoyed it very much. I realized how much I like doing other things! Perhaps I shouldn't make design my career AND my hobby.

Chroma Lab said...

So far it's been good for me. I've been getting a lot done pre-11am! If you need some help remembering what your other interests are I can brainstorm with you :)